Ways To Prepare for Your Pet’s Passing


Even though losing pet is never easy, getting ready for it can lessen your mental and emotional pain. Here are four suggestions to help you prepare for and grieve the eventual loss of your beloved companion.


#1: Evaluate the quality of life of your pet

Your pet can’t tell you when they feel unwell, but they can indicate poor mental and physical health. Using a quality of life scale, you can assess your pet’s health and happiness as they age or deteriorate from a chronic medical condition. The quality of life scale allows you to be objective when evaluating your pet and can help determine if they are suffering. 


#2: Decide when to schedule your pet’s euthanasia

While a pet’s unexpected death removes the burden of deciding when—and if—euthanasia is the best choice, you may also question if you missed your pet’s illness. On the other hand, determining when your pet is ready to pass on and when to schedule euthanasia is always difficult. However, remember that few pets pass peacefully in their sleep so humane euthanasia can be your last act of love for your suffering pet.


#3: Talk about how to take care of your pet’s body

When your pet passes, you may be unprepared for their after-care. If you know the end is approaching, discussing how you would like to care for your pet’s body can eliminate some stress. Cremation is a popular choice, and you can choose that you receive your pet’s ashes. Aquamation is also growing in popularity as an after-care option but is not yet widely available.


#4: Utilize grief counseling services to cope with the loss of your pet

In addition to leaning on family and friends as you grieve, reach out to support groups. Many veterinary universities offer pet loss support hotlines, and a multitude of pet bereavement groups on social media may fit your unique situation. You never have to make your journey through grief alone.


Ask our staff for assistance in determining your pet’s quality of life and making arrangements for their eventual passing if their health and/or happiness are deteriorating.